The Corrections is a 2001 novel by American author Jonathan Franzen. The story follows the lives of the members of the Lambert family, a Midwestern family whose lives are gradually falling apart. The patriarch of the family, Alfred, is a retired railroad engineer who is struggling with Parkinson's disease, while his wife, Enid, is preoccupied with the idea of getting her family together for one final Christmas before it's too late. The couple's three adult children are each struggling with their own issues: Chip is a failed academic who is struggling to find his place in the world; Denise is a successful but unhappy chef; and Gary is a financial executive with a crumbling marriage.
As the family navigates their various problems, they are also dealing with the rapidly changing world around them, including the effects of globalization and the rise of the internet. The novel explores themes of family, identity, and the search for meaning in a rapidly changing world.
Overall, The Corrections received critical acclaim upon its release, with many reviewers praising Franzen's vivid characterizations and his ability to portray complex, flawed individuals. It was a bestseller and was chosen as a finalist for the 2002 National Book Award for Fiction.