"The Power and the Glory" is a novel by Graham Greene that tells the story of a nameless Catholic priest in Mexico during the time of the Cristero War, a conflict in which the Mexican government suppressed the Catholic Church. The priest, referred to as "the whiskey priest," is on the run from the authorities and is being hunted by a police officer known as "the lieutenant."
The novel follows the priest as he travels through the countryside, trying to evade capture and minister to the people in the towns he passes through. Along the way, he encounters a range of characters, including a wealthy landowner, a woman who is pregnant with his child, and a group of bandits.
The priest is haunted by his own sins and weaknesses, and is tormented by the fact that he is not a good enough representative of the Church. Despite this, he is determined to fulfill his duty as a priest and bring hope and solace to the people he encounters.
The novel explores themes of faith, morality, and the nature of good and evil. It portrays the priest's struggle to hold on to his faith and his sense of purpose in the face of extreme adversity.