Infinite Jest (1996)

"Infinite Jest" is a novel by David Foster Wallace, published in 1996. It is a sprawling and complex work that is set in the near future and tells the story...

Infinite Jest (1996)

"Infinite Jest" is a novel by David Foster Wallace, published in 1996. It is a sprawling and complex work that is set in the near future and tells the story...

All the King's Men (1946)

"All the King's Men" is a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Robert Penn Warren that was published in 1946. It tells the story of the rise and fall of Willie Stark,...

All the King's Men (1946)

"All the King's Men" is a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Robert Penn Warren that was published in 1946. It tells the story of the rise and fall of Willie Stark,...

The Big Sleep (1939)

"The Big Sleep" is a novel by Raymond Chandler, published in 1939. The novel is a classic work of hardboiled detective fiction and features the iconic private investigator Philip Marlowe....

The Big Sleep (1939)

"The Big Sleep" is a novel by Raymond Chandler, published in 1939. The novel is a classic work of hardboiled detective fiction and features the iconic private investigator Philip Marlowe....

The Sun Also Rises (1926)

"The Sun Also Rises" is a novel by Ernest Hemingway, published in 1926. The novel is set in the aftermath of World War I and follows a group of American...

The Sun Also Rises (1926)

"The Sun Also Rises" is a novel by Ernest Hemingway, published in 1926. The novel is set in the aftermath of World War I and follows a group of American...

Beloved (1987)

"Beloved" is a novel by Toni Morrison, published in 1987. The novel is set in the aftermath of the American Civil War and follows the story of Sethe, a former...

Beloved (1987)

"Beloved" is a novel by Toni Morrison, published in 1987. The novel is set in the aftermath of the American Civil War and follows the story of Sethe, a former...

Invisible Man (1952)

"Invisible Man" is a novel by Ralph Ellison, published in 1952. The novel follows the story of an unnamed African American narrator who struggles with his identity and place in...

Invisible Man (1952)

"Invisible Man" is a novel by Ralph Ellison, published in 1952. The novel follows the story of an unnamed African American narrator who struggles with his identity and place in...