The Sheltering Sky
"The Sheltering Sky" is a novel by Paul Bowles, first published in 1949. The novel follows the story of a couple, Port and Kit Moresby, who travel to North Africa...
The Sheltering Sky
"The Sheltering Sky" is a novel by Paul Bowles, first published in 1949. The novel follows the story of a couple, Port and Kit Moresby, who travel to North Africa...
Lucky Jim (1954)
"Lucky Jim" is a novel by Kingsley Amis that was first published in 1954. It is a satire of academia and the British class system, told through the perspective of...
Lucky Jim (1954)
"Lucky Jim" is a novel by Kingsley Amis that was first published in 1954. It is a satire of academia and the British class system, told through the perspective of...
The Assistant (1957)
"The Assistant" is a novel by Bernard Malamud, published in 1957. It is a story about an Italian immigrant named Morris Bober who runs a small grocery store in Brooklyn,...
The Assistant (1957)
"The Assistant" is a novel by Bernard Malamud, published in 1957. It is a story about an Italian immigrant named Morris Bober who runs a small grocery store in Brooklyn,...
Lolita (1955)
Lolita is a novel by Vladimir Nabokov, published in 1955. It tells the story of Humbert Humbert, a middle-aged man who becomes obsessed with and sexually involved with a young...
Lolita (1955)
Lolita is a novel by Vladimir Nabokov, published in 1955. It tells the story of Humbert Humbert, a middle-aged man who becomes obsessed with and sexually involved with a young...
Never Let Me Go (2005)
"Never Let Me Go" is a science fiction novel by Kazuo Ishiguro, first published in 2005. The novel is set in a dystopian alternate reality where human clones are created...
Never Let Me Go (2005)
"Never Let Me Go" is a science fiction novel by Kazuo Ishiguro, first published in 2005. The novel is set in a dystopian alternate reality where human clones are created...
The Painted Bird (1965)
The Painted Bird is a novel by Jerzy Kosiński, first published in 1965. It tells the story of a young boy who becomes separated from his family during World War...
The Painted Bird (1965)
The Painted Bird is a novel by Jerzy Kosiński, first published in 1965. It tells the story of a young boy who becomes separated from his family during World War...