"Matilda" is a 1996 fantasy comedy film directed by Danny DeVito and based on the children's novel of the same name by Roald Dahl. The film stars Mara Wilson as Matilda, a young girl with extraordinary intelligence and telekinetic powers who is mistreated by her neglectful parents and abusive headmistress, Miss Trunchbull (Pam Ferris). With the help of her kind teacher, Miss Honey (Embeth Davidtz), Matilda learns to control her powers and stand up for herself against her oppressors.
"Matilda" is a charming and entertaining film that is popular with both children and adults. It features catchy musical numbers, memorable performances, and a strong message about the importance of education and self-empowerment. The film received mostly positive reviews upon its release and has since become a beloved classic of children's cinema.