Sunset Boulevard (1950)

Sunset Boulevard is a 1950 American film noir directed and co-written by Billy Wilder, and starring Gloria Swanson, William Holden, and Erich von Stroheim. The film tells the story of a young screenwriter named Joe Gillis who becomes involved with a reclusive, eccentric former silent film star named Norma Desmond, played by Swanson. As their relationship deepens, Gillis becomes trapped in Norma's world of delusions and is unable to escape.

Sunset Boulevard was a critical and commercial success, and is considered a classic of the film noir genre. It was nominated for 11 Academy Awards and won three, including Best Screenplay for Wilder and co-writer Charles Brackett. Swanson's performance as Norma Desmond is widely regarded as one of the greatest in film history, and the film's memorable dialogue and haunting score have made it a timeless classic. Overall, Sunset Boulevard is a must-see for fans of classic cinema and is considered one of the greatest films of all time.

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