"The Gray Man" is a 2021 American action thriller film directed by the Russo brothers and based on the 2009 novel of the same name by Mark Greaney. The film stars Chris Evans as Court Gentry, a former CIA operative who is hunted by his former employer and must go on the run to clear his name and uncover a conspiracy. The film also features an ensemble cast that includes Ana de Armas, Jessica Henwick, Billy Bob Thornton, and Wagner Moura.
"The Gray Man" received mostly positive reviews upon its release, with many praising the strong performances of the cast and the film's intense and fast-paced action. The film was praised for its sleek direction and compelling story, and was seen as a strong addition to the spy thriller genre. Overall, "The Gray Man" is a well-made and entertaining film that is sure to appeal to fans of action and espionage.