The Way I See It is a 2020 documentary directed by Dawn Porter and based on the photographs and stories of White House photographer Pete Souza. The film follows Souza as he reflects on his experience photographing Presidents Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama and the ways in which his work has shaped his perspective on politics and history.
The Way I See It is an informative and thought-provoking film that explores themes of leadership, patriotism, and the role of the media in shaping public opinion. Souza is a compelling narrator and guide, and the film's use of his photographs and archival footage is effective in conveying the historical context and significance of his work.
One of the strengths of The Way I See It is its exploration of the ways in which Souza's work has influenced his views on leadership and the importance of character and integrity in public office. The film does a great job of capturing Souza's personal and professional journey and the ways in which he has used his photographs to document and comment on the events and personalities of his time.
Overall, The Way I See It is a highly informative and thought-provoking film that is a must-see for fans of documentaries or anyone interested in exploring themes of leadership, patriotism, and the role of the media in shaping public opinion. Its strong narrative, well-chosen archival footage, and exploration of Souza's personal and professional journey make it a standout film of 2020.