Toy Story is a series of computer-animated films produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The first film in the franchise, Toy Story, was released in 1995 and was the first feature-length computer-animated film. The film follows the adventures of a group of toys who come to life when humans are not present, and features the voices of Tom Hanks and Tim Allen.
Toy Story 2, the sequel to the original film, was released in 1999 and follows the toys as they rescue one of their own from a toy collector. Toy Story 3, the final film in the original trilogy, was released in 2010 and follows the toys as they are accidentally left behind at a daycare center.
Toy Story 4, a sequel to the original trilogy, was released in 2019 and follows the toys as they go on a road trip with their owner, Bonnie, and meet new toys along the way.
All four Toy Story films were well received by critics and were commercial successes. They have all been nominated for Academy Awards, with Toy Story 3 winning the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film in 2010.