Whiplash is a 2014 drama film directed by Damien Chazelle and starring Miles Teller as Andrew Neiman, a young jazz drummer who attends a prestigious music academy, and J.K. Simmons as Terence Fletcher, his abusive and demanding instructor. The film follows Andrew's tumultuous relationship with Fletcher as he pushes Andrew to be the best drummer he can be, often using harsh and extreme methods that test Andrew's physical and emotional limits.
Whiplash received widespread critical acclaim for its performances, particularly by Teller and Simmons, and its depiction of the cutthroat world of music education. The film was a commercial success and won three Academy Awards, including Best Supporting actor for Simmons. It has become a fan favorite and is often cited as one of the best films of its decade. If you enjoy intense character dramas with strong performances and a focus on the performing arts, then you will likely enjoy Whiplash.